To facilitate the identification of fish caught, can be divided into several categories of types:
Types of Fish beaked (Billfish)

TYPE mackerel
TYPE pompano

TYPE snapper

OTHER TYPES OF FISH (without category)I will try to explain each category of fish that I mentioned above .. read more
Types of Fish beaked (Billfish)
Species of fish that are considered the strongest in the sport fishing is a type of beaked fish. Most of the attractions of this type will show a fairly complete. Diving, jumping, dancing on the surface, shook his head wildly, and so forth. Some anglers never say:
"Do not ever claim to be fishermen, before the conquest of one of these beaked fish species. " In addition to the persistent resistance, this type is also known for their large size. Some of them could reach more than 500 Kg.
Fishing with a solid team (Captain, crew boats and anglers) are strongly encouraged to win the battle with this type. Preparing to attack a given, and put a label (tag) before releasing it, if you win the fight. Strike

Sword Fish:
OTHER NAME: Broadbill Swordfish, Broadie, Pez Espada
TYPE: Xiphias Gladius
SIZE: Usually ranging from 50 Kg s / d above 500 Kg.
WORLD RECORD: 1.182 pounds
CHARACTER: No wild Blue Marlin, but has the strength and fight with the rough equivalent of which can sometimes also make spectacular leaps.strike

Black Marlin(Makaira Indica)
OTHER NAME: Black Marlin, White Marlin, Silver Marlin
TYPE: Makaira Indica
SIZE: Approximate maximum weight of 1000 Kg.
WORLD RECORD: 1.560 pounds
CHARACTERS: Very strong and extremely fast in which not only test the angler and appliances but also the entire crew of the ship. Dipermuka's quick swim, then dive in depths which can cause a rope (kenur) dropped out due to water constraints. really terrible what this fish-liver .strike

Blue Marlin
OTHER NAME: Blue Marlin, Pacific Blue Marlin
TYPE: Makaira Mazara (Pacific Blue Marlin),
Makaira nigricans (Atlantic Blue Marlin)
SIZE: Can reach 1200 kg more weight (Pacific)
WORLD RECORD: 1.402 pounds (Atlantic)
CHARACTER: More powerful than the Black Marlin and Blue Marlin to capture the very definite need teamwork. Usually fight more in comparison with Marlin Marlin Black or camouflage.
Striped marlin
OTHER NAME: Striped Marlin, Striper, Stripey
TYPE: Tetrapturus Audax
SIZE: Maximum weight is estimated to reach 250 kg.
WORLD RECORD: 494 pounds
CHARACTER: Warriors are strong for lightweight devices usually will dance on the surface when hooked and make spectacular leaps. When I first hooked will jump a few times, then dive dikedalaman without ever comes back. Fish that fantasis to fished with fishing rod (fly fishing).strike
WHITE Marlin
OTHER NAME: White Marlin, Spikefish, Agujo Blanco
TYPE: Tetrapturus Albidus
SIZE: Maximum weight is estimated at more than 100 Kg
WORLD RECORD: 181 pounds
CHARACTERS: Probably this type is a type of beaked fish most happy to be in the air, but also with the stamina baik.benar really impressive. strike
Marlin ax
OTHER NAME: Hatchet Marlin
TYPE: Tetrapturus Sp.
SIZE: Unknown, probably around 100 Kg
CHARACTERS: Very rare. A variant of the White Marlin, ability to fight together with the White Marlin.
OTHER NAME: Indo-Pacific sailfish, Spindlebeak, Pez Vela
TYPE: Istiophorus Platypterus (Layaran Indo-Pacific), Istiophorus Albicans (Layaran Atlantic)
SIZE: Maximum weight is estimated to 120 kg. (Layaran Indo-Pacific)
WORLD RECORD: 221 pounds (Layaran Indo-Pacific),
141 pounds (Layaran Altantic)
CHARACTER: acrobat with spectacular and more are on the water when hooked. The speed is incredible. These fish generally do not fight dikedalaman. Is an advantage for light tools and fishing rod (fly fishing).strike
LONG-billed swordfish
OTHER NAME: Longbill Spearfish, Spearfish Altantic, Long-nose Spearfish
TYPE: Tetrapturus Pfleugeri
SIZE: Maximum weight 50 Kg.
WORLD RECORD: 94 pounds
CHARACTER As a small fish in the family including beaked fish, this fish is very fun fished with lightweight devices in anticipation of his run that fast as lightning and also doing acrobatics.
SHORT-billed swordfish
OTHER NAME: Shortbill Spearfish, Spearfish Altantic
TYPE: Tetrapturus Angustirotris
SIZE: Maximum weight 50 Kg.
CHARACTER: As a small fish in the family, including beaked fish, this fish is very fun fished with lightweight devices in anticipation of his run that fast as lightning and also doing acrobatics.strike
Awesome information! Such a wonderful reference! Thanks for all the hard work you have obviously put into this!